Biotherapeutic Index

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Introduction to Bio Regulatory Medicine

Alta Smit, Arturo O'Byrne, Bruno Van Brandt, Ivo Bianchi, Klaus Kustermann

£44 + Postage

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Biopuncture - The Management of Common Orthopaedic and Sports Disorders

Jan Kersschot

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The Fundamentals of Homotoxicology

Gabriele Herzberger

£8.50 + Postage

Homotoxicology and Ground Regulation System(GRS) Hartmut Heine

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The Digestive Contract

Prof M F Kirkman & Dr L Cedgard

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Biological Medicine. Scientific Position, Medication and Therapeutic Techniques.

Prof Franz Schmid

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Nosodes Therapy in Practice

£8.50 + Postage

Intermediate Catalysts Therapy in Practice

£8.50 + Postage